Friday, June 17, 2011

Secreto de amor...

Situasi 1

"Eh aku nak bagitahu ko 1 rahsian ni."
"Ko ni. Mana boleh bagitahu. Tu kan rahsia."

Situasi 2

"Eh aku ada 1 rahsia ni. Gosip best punya."
"Cite laa. Nak tahu gak."
"Ni rahsia tau. Ko jangan bagitahu orang lain pulak."

Mana yang biasa kita dengar? Situasi 1 ke situasi 2? Konfem laa situasi 2 kan. Hinggakan kalau kawan kita tu mati-mati tak nak reveal secret tu awal-awal pun finally mengalah gak. Terpaksa share juga rahsia tu tapi dengan ayat clichenya "Ko kena janji ko takkan bagitahu orang lain."

Setuju semua? Baru-baru ni baru lepas borak ngan kawan. Its about the gossip and so called rahsia. We talked about how we knew 'that' secret. It's started as "Ko penah dengar tak pasal Si A dulu pernah mintak nak kapel dengan si B." So all of us rupanya has heard the news long time ago. And we finally reveal ourselves how we knew the secret. It started that Si B told the story of how si A started to flirt with her to her roomate. Then the her roomate later told her bestfriend about the story of Si A and si B. "Ni rahsia tahu. Ko jangan share ngn orang lain pulak. Sian si A kene reject." kate si roomate si B. "Tak sangka kan si A tu macam tu. Nampak diam je." balas kawan baik roomate si B.

And the chains continues when the bestfriend started to share with her roomate. Then her roomate share the gossip to her bestfriend. And she share the gossip with her boyfriend. And that's how the chains continues.

Aku pun dah pening dah baca cite kat atas tu. Si A la. Si B la. Rumet dia la. Kawan baik rumet dia la. Boyfriend rumet dia la. Panjang kan chain of secret ni. And finally the whole world knows. And everyone pretends that they don't know because it is a secret.

So apa moral of the story? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm pikir punya pikir aku pun tak pasti. Takleh share secret? Mungkin. Entahlahhhhh. Pikir laa sendiri. Motif post ni just nak reveal how the secret got passed from one another. So beware of your roomate, bestfriend, bestfriend roomate, bestfriend roomate kite punye roomate, roomate kite punye boyfriend, aaaahhhhhhhh pening dah. Fullstop.

Sekian terima kasih....

Sila fokus pada pak ali. bukan seth tan. nak cari gambar malik tak jumpa. so pak ali pun layanzzz....

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